From 570 to 4,000 liters, plastic storage tanks offer the ideal solution for almost every application.
Process water, splash water in swimming pools, industrial wastewater, fire fighting water, cooling water, rainwater and gray water, Ad Blue, lubricating oils and hydraulic oil and concrete admixtures are just a few examples.
The tanks are quickly and easily connected to tank batteries with the lower connection line. HD-PE is food-safe and chemical-resistant.
The HD-PE used is physiologically harmless and the tanks comply with the KTW guideline for house installation and in the swimming pool area as well as the KSW recommendation for drinking water installation.
Double-wall storage and collection tanks are the ideal solution for the safe storage of heating oil, diesel fuel and biodiesel, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil and heat transfer oils, vegetable oils such as olive oil, rapeseed oil, castor oil and wheat germ oil.
A wide range of accessories transform the storage and collection tanks into fresh oil storage containers, used oil collection tanks, diesel filling stations and diesel tank batteries.
The TrioSafe series is also approved for the storage of ethylene glycol as antifreeze and concrete additives with a maximum density of 1.15 g / dm³, ammonia water and urea solution (e.g. AdBlue®).
For more information, please refer to the certificates for the respective product.
In contrast to black water, grey water can be reused in the building after hygienic treatment. The treated wastewater from the bathtub, shower, vanity and washing machine is e.g. reused for flushing toilets, irrigation, watering plants or cleaning rooms.
Greywater recycling offers a wide range of applications: from single-family houses to apartment buildings, from hotels and dormitories to sports facilities and fitness centers.
Reusing the grey water reduces drinking water costs and wastewater charges. This dual use of drinking water protects the precious water reserves.
The double pump system is the ideal complement to the grey water utilization system: It supplies the consumers safely and efficiently and with DehoustConnect the grey water system and the pressure booster system are controlled and monitored.
Video: Dehoust Greywater System GWtec®
More information in our BROCHURE
GEP Eitorf stands for continuous development in rainwater use for over 25 years. This tradition was consistently continued after the integration of GEP Umwelttechnik GmbH into Dehoust GmbH. Today Dehoust is an important partner for the planner and installer when it comes to products for rainwater harvesting, grey water harvesting and category 5 safety separation stations. With DehoustConnect, Internet 4.0 is also finding its way into process water management.
Optimal use of the generated energy is only possible if sufficient storage capacity is available. The efficient and inexpensive storage medium is water - be it in the form of heat or cold.
Thanks to our experience of over 50 years in the construction of steel tanks, we can now offer our partners cost-effective solutions for heat and cold storage, above and below ground, and storage in special constructions.
We support you in the selection of the optimal storage tank and design feed and extraction pipes with you. Experience in the design of buffer storage tanks and nozzle systems results in a very low laminar flow, even with high extraction rates, and thus a largely stable stratification.
We show our standard program here; higher operating pressures and different dimensions are possible. Use our contact form for further support.
We started the production of heating oil tanks made of steel in 1958, expanded it to the production of cylindrical storage tanks according to DIN 6600 series and continuously developed the manufacturing process. Today, at our locations in Nienburg and Heidenau near Dresden, we manufacture heating oil tanks, diesel tanks, tanks for AdBlue, fire-fighting water tanks and buffer storage with a volume of well over 100,000 liters. Our project engineers work with our customers to develop individual solutions - also for pressure vessels, tanks made of stainless steel and of course with various coatings for internal and external corrosion protection.
With offline fluorination, DEHOUST has been significantly improving the properties of polyethylene since 1997. The heating oil tanks of the PE-Kombi and TrioSafe series treated with the offline fluorination process make you forget the smell of heating oil in the cellar. The permeation of heating oil or its volatile substances is drastically reduced - the fluorination leads to permanently stable, improved surface properties.
Together with our partners, we use blow molding systems for the production of hollow bodies from 5 to 4,000 liters and for the production of technical parts. Take advantage of our experience and high flexibility, even with small series.
We support our partners in the design of heating oil tank systems, heat tanks, cold storage and heating buffer storage, rainwater utilization systems, grey water systems and the dimensioning of pressure vessels. > FURTHER INFORMATIONS